The academic research aspired to investigate students’ acknowledgement towards their native and non-native academic IELTS teachers in the course of preparing for academic and general IELTS test. With the respect to participants, there were total 60 students engaged in the completion of questionnaires. In terms of questionnaire design, there were six different components aimed to elicit form participants. A quantitative method was employed, and data was collected by means of questionnaires (Dweik & Barghouthi, 2014). Spss 23 was applied to analyze quantitative data relating to the research. Research result demonstrated that participants demonstrated more positive acknowledgment to native IELTS tutors in comparison with non-native IELTS tutors. Participants’ university grade, proficiency in English, and years of learning English showed statistically meaningful difference between groups. Additionally, the research findings suggested that both native and non-native IELTS teachers possess merits and shortcoming in terms of teaching academic English. All the findings were reported and concluded with tabulation. Implication of the study were discussed, and future implications were provided prior to arriving at the reference.
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