Leila Bahadivand Chegini, Majid Pourmohammadi


This study is going to investigate the effect of task-based method on teaching phrasal verbs collocation among Iranian intermediate EFL learners. To this end, 45 female EFL learners with the age range of 19 to 30 were selected from among 95 participants through Quick Placement Test. Its purpose was to homogenize the participants based on their proficiency level. Then they were randomly assigned into two experimental groups and one control group. The participants of the experimental groups were divided into two classes including 15 participants. Next, both experimental groups received task-based method for 15 sessions. During the treatment sessions some phrasal verbs pre-taught to the learners by the use of information-gap and opinion-gap tasks. Meanwhile, the control group received 15-session placebo that was the use of explicit instruction like Grammar Translation Method, and it was based on the structural syllabus. The related findings revealed that the experimental group who received the information-gap task performed better at learning phrasal verbs collocation. The findings showed that the role of information-gap of TBLT method leads the learners to more proficiency in learning phrasal verbs collocation, and it is more effective, because the learners have background knowledge. Consequently, the information-gap group had a better result in acquiring the phrasal verbs collocation.


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collocation, phrasal verb, task, task-based language teaching

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