Qiang Huang


The study aims to examine and compare teacher roles in English course and computer science course. A 27-item scale, the STRI, was used to quantitatively measure teacher roles of the two courses at one university. Altogether 84 students participated in the survey and completed the questionnaires. Reliability tests showed that the STRI was pretty reliable and valid and that the three main teacher roles were all observed in the two courses. Further Results indicated that no significant difference was found between affective roles, managerial roles and the overall teacher roles of the two courses. Only the mean of cognitive role in English course was found to be significantly higher than that of computer science course, which indicated that cognitive role of the teacher in English course was perceived to be more noticeably impactful than that in computer science course. More specific features were also revealed in the study.

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comparative study, English course, computer science course, teacher roles, cognitive role, affective role, managerial role

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejfl.v5i2.3143


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