This paper begins by aligning with the position of some curriculum theorists that curriculum is a set of learning opportunities and experiences organized to enable the learners in an educational system to attain societal aspirations and values, one of these being development which begins at the individual level, with the attainment of self-actualization and fulfilment, including a fulfilling employment. The paper then reviews the University French studies curriculum in Nigeria from its inception, and reveals that from the 1990s, the B.A. (French) curriculum in particular has increasingly produced unemployed graduates because the curriculum has equipped them with unemployable skills and competencies. “Français de spécialités” is proposed as a curriculum content innovation that would give the learner employable skills and competencies. A B.A. degree curriculum which combines the study of French language with that of another discipline whose specialized French language the learner wants to master is proposed as an effective strategy for the pedagogy of “français de spécialités”. Motivated by this researcher’s studies, his Department has adopted and is in the process of implementing this curriculum. The teacher’s innovative disposition is therefore an asset to French studies in Nigeria, especially at the University level where innovative thinking and research are of primary importance.
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