Many learn foreign language for personal or job-related reasons. It is cliché to say that learning a foreign language is important for students to join the bandwagon of “globalized learning”; although that is true! Many reported they enjoyed participating in language related activities. However, for some learners, learning a foreign language may not be a pleasant experience. Anxiety for foreign language learning causes other problems for learners. These problems may snowball to effect other performance and achievement in other language related areas; thus, creating a cycle of fear. Two theories are merged to form the cycle of cycle of fear for foreign language learning. This study used the instrument by Horwitz (1986) who developed the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale. There were 7 items on demographic profile, 8 items for communication apprehension, 5 items for fear of test anxiety. There were also 9 items of fear of negative evaluation, and items on fear of language classes. Findings reveal that the communication apprehension that students portray, can snowball to learners fearing taking test and getting negative evaluation and then this fear may extend to fearing the foreign language classes.
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