Hieu Manh Do


This study aims to find out the frequency word lists in the TED talks in the education field as well as the comparison of the language used by native speakers (NS) and non-native speakers (NNS). The researcher collected four transcripts (two from NS and the others two from NNS) from the TED talks. AntConc is the main software that would be used to investigate the frequency word lists. Data collection includes two steps: (1) collecting the four transcripts of TED talks and (2) listing top 10, 20, and 100 frequency word lists of TED talks corpus of NS and NNS, separately. The findings found that both speakers usually use functional words more than content words. However, content words play a pivotal role in making a full meaning sentence.

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TED talks, AntConc, frequency word lists

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejfl.v5i3.3577


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