Lam Ky Nhan, Phuong Hoang Yen


Infographics have increasingly been used in English language teaching. However, few studies have been conducted to explore the use of infographics in improving students’ motivation in learning grammar. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of Infographics-based learning on students’ motivation on an English language grammar course. The study employed an experimental research design and the participation of sixty grade-11 students studying in a high school in Mekong Delta, Vietnam. There are two groups including one experimental group (n = 30) that used the Infographics-based learning; and the other a controlled group (n = 30) which was instructed using non- Infographics-based learning technique. A questionnaire was designed to measure students’ motivation after the treatment.

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infographics, visualizations, motivation, types of motivation

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