Language is a vital part of human connection. All people need language in order to build relations with other people. Besides this, language encodes culture and provides the means through which culture is shared and passed from one generation to the next. In this sense, language is the basis of social and communicative ability. Communication is the transmission of signals or messages through verbal or nonverbal linguistic signs. Throughout this process, effective use of cultural signs positively affects the communication cycle. Especially, the use of texts including rich cultural elements helps the learner understand the nuances of meaning. With rich motifs, fantastic fiction, elements of curiosity and rich cultural content, Dede Korkut stories are in this sense among the rare works that are suitable for in the field of teaching Turkish as a foreign language. To this end, it is of great importance to find cultural patterns embedded in Dede Korkut stories and take advantage of these texts in teaching Turkish as a foreign language. The study aims to find cultural patterns embedded in Dede Korkut stories and to classify the vocabulary units, i.e., building blocks of these cultural patterns. Research data has been collected through using document analysis method. In the analysis of research data, the descriptive data analysis technique has been used. 7 Dede Korkut story books published by Yunus Emre Institute for B1-C2 levels have been carefully assessed based on 7 different culture levels: family-kinship, food-drink, clothing-textile, color, profession, management-law and spoken language-daily communication. The study results show that it will be right decision to benefit from Dede Korkut stories in teaching Turkish foreigners because they represent the cultural richness of Turkish language, have a rich stock of cultural customs and traditions, and include the high frequency words across the culture levels.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejfl.v5i6.3990
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