Aisha Abdullahi Ibrahim


This study investigated the impacts of mentoring in teaching English language as a Second (L2) language in Sokoto Metropolis. The study was carried out considering the fact that different factors were studied as they affect the teaching and learning of English language in the area. Owing to the fact that new teachers were recruited and posted in schools, there was need for induction, refresher courses and guidance on how to approach their practices. A descriptive survey research design was used in the study. A sample of 106 English language teachers was randomly selected for the study. A self-developed questionnaire titled “Knowledge of Mentoring in Language Teaching (KNOMILT) Questionnaire” served as instrument of the study. The instrument was validated by three senior lecturers in the Department of Curriculum Studies and Educational Technology and 15 secondary school teachers validated the instrument. The instrument recorded a Cronbach’s Alpha of r = 0.87 after test-retest was conducted. The study found that there was inadequate knowledge of mentoring among English language teachers of Sokoto Metropolis. There were challenges in mentoring in English language, and that mentoring can be improved in different ways. The paper recommended among others that the Ministry of Education should intervene in the provision of mentoring services to English language teachers in Sokoto State.


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mentoring, English as an L2, challenges, teaching

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