Julia Sevy-Biloon


Virtual and online classes have added a new level of difficulties to teaching and learning EFL. Teachers must constantly work to find innovative and new practices to engage students and help them improve their English language skills. The professor of an upper-intermediate university level cohort in Ecuador has chosen to do action research in her classroom to improve students reading skills, vocabulary building and motivation to achieve the set competencies of the B2 level. Based on previous experiences the teacher chose to implement extensive reading throughout the semester to improve the mentioned areas. The teacher first observed the areas the students needed help in, implemented a new strategy and activities, reflected on those activities, and implemented a final exam to see if students improved in reading and vocabulary. Through qualitative data analysis, the teacher was able to see students were more motivated, they improved in reading and vocabulary, and they were beginning to learn autonomously. The implementation of extensive reading was a success for most of the students to improve their English skills and can be a strategy that can be utilized in the future.


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virtual learning, extensive reading, motivation, reading skills, vocabulary

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejfl.v6i2.4255


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