The important role of communicative competence in foreign language learning highlighted the need for the use of task-based or content-oriented activities within the foreign language instructional context. Several studies have recently focused on such activities and, in particular, on the use of games (Peters, 2015; Petrovic, 2007; Yaccob & Yunus, 2019); their findings have attracted researchers’ interest as they underlined the positive effects, they seem to have on the development of language proficiency (Bush, 2015; Lan, Van & Huyen, 2019; Nguyen & Nga, 2003). Some of these studies have examined the effect of games on learners’ language development, competency and motivation in learning an L2 (Marzano, 2010; Stavy, Subon & Unin, 2019; Tuan, 2012), while others have focused on students’ and teachers’ attitudes towards their use in language classrooms (Hamzah & Dourado, 2010; Lawrence & Lawrence, 2013; Reyes-Chua & Lidawan, 2019). However, what has not been adequately researched is the impact of board games on adult students and their systematic integration and use within the language curricula (Phuong & Nguyen, 2017). In this study, we aim to present two different types of modern board games which have been adjusted for the teaching of Greek as a foreign language at B1 level (according to CEFR). The games were used to practice vocabulary and grammar as well as promote interpersonal communication according to the syllabus of the School of Modern Greek (2010). The study will compare the use of board games with conventional activities and tasks so as to assess their effectiveness as a tool in the adult foreign language classroom.
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