Mustapha Boughoulid


The present paper demonstrates the possibility of using the new Comprehensive Instructional Model of Language Learning’s criteria in order to evaluate and develop a practice in a teaching context. This practice is one of the six practices of one language class session of two teaching hours. The evaluation and development of the practice are done on the basis of the three language learning components, input, competency building, and communicative acts. As a first step, we started with the description of the practice and then moved to the evaluation stage, which includes its internal comprehensiveness, how it fits in the learning sequence, and its discursive formation. In the preparatory technique of the practice, we started with the objectives, then the tools, and the practices that might be included within the same practice. The evaluation of the practice in terms of scoring is done on the basis of two different matrices, the internal comprehensiveness of the practice, and the discursive formation of the practice. The new comprehensive instructional model’s role is to detect the anomalies or any irregularities in the practice and find adequate answers to surmount them. It is a model that teaches teachers how to reconsider and develop their work without adopting any new teaching methodology.


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practice, comprehensive instructional model, input, competency building, communicative acts

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