The present study was designed to examine the effects of ARCS motivational model (Keller, 2010) on university prep class students’ motivation. For this purpose, ARCS motivational model strategies were inserted to the instructional design via detailed lesson plans which were applied throughout ten weeks. To find out the effects of ARSC model Course Interest Survey (CIS) and Instructional Materials Motivation Survey (IMMS) were administered at the beginning and end of the study. The results of CIS indicated a significant increase since students showed higher course motivation based on the overall CIS results at the end of the study. CIS was evaluated in terms of each ARCS category and a significant difference was observed in all scales. The results showed that the ARCS model inserted language instruction had positive influence on students’ course motivation in all categories. As for IMMS results a significant difference in students’ instructional motivation scores was found. For a deeper understanding, two subscales of IMMS were assessed separately and the results revealed significant differences in both subscales. Students’ instructional materials motivation increased.
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