Ridha Rouabhia


This study investigates the challenges faced by English as Foreign Language (EFL) primary school teachers in Algeria, specifically in Blida primary schools. The study uses a mixed-methods approach, including a questionnaire designed to gather information about various aspects of the teacher's professional experience and a Likert scale to measure the level of agreement or disagreement with statements related to challenges faced by primary school teachers when teaching EFL. The study finds that primary school English teachers in Blida face significant challenges due to limited access to resources and support from parents or school administration. Providing targeted professional development opportunities for classroom management training and support can help overcome these challenges effectively and improve EFL instruction at primary schools. The study also identified challenges with lesson planning and curriculum development, but most EFL primary school teachers in Blida do not feel restricted by inadequate access to instructional materials and resources necessary for effective classroom instruction. The study has several limitations, including a small sample size and the use of a questionnaire, but it makes an important contribution towards understanding how the best educators can overcome some of the obstacles they face while providing high-quality EFL instruction for their pupils.


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challenges, support, EFL, primary school teachers, Algeria, Blida

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