Julia Sevy-Biloon, Tania Cajamarca Alvear, Andrea Avila Mendez


It has been observed that EFL students at the National University of Education (UNAE) struggle with acquiring basic vocabulary, reading comprehension skills, and intrinsic motivation to promote reading in English. To address this issue, a qualitative exploratory action research was conducted aimed at improving these areas through the use of three reading strategies—extensive reading, language experience approach (LEA), and literacy circles—on the reading and motivation of 89 lower-level EFL students in UNAE within three different courses which were conducted over a six-month period. Qualitative and quantitative tools such as diagnostic and summative exams, questionnaires, observations, and reflective journals were used to understand and identify students' improvement and progress throughout the exploratory, intervention, and reflection phases of the study. Throughout this period the teachers regularly observed the strategies being utilized in the classes and reflected on their experiences. The findings from these tools suggest that the implementation of the different reading strategies together had a positive impact on students' reading abilities, writing abilities, vocabulary, comprehension, engagement, and motivation. Additionally, students were more motivated to read not only in class but also for pleasure, which promoted increased reading in English. The study provides insights into the potential benefits of using these strategies to facilitate autonomous reading, improve overall language competencies and may support EFL teachers in the development of reading programs that foster autonomous learning, increase motivation, and promote language development among EFL learners.


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extensive reading; learning experience approach; reading circles; reading comprehension; motivation in EFL

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejfl.v7i2.4992


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