Najib Slimani, Nada El Idrissi Moubtassim


By scholarly consensus, listening is a fundamental language-related skill. It is closely linked to and affected by other language skills, such as speaking, reading, and writing. The focus of language learning was initially on written communication. Slowly but surely, listening started to gain ground as a solicited skill for learners. Several theories and methods have cropped up to suggest new techniques and strategies geared toward fostering learners’ listening efficacy. However, the applicability of these methods to listening is far from being a challenge-free endeavour. Morocco-wise, there seems to be less focus on listening, and this is ascribed to various factors. Within this vein, this paper addresses listening-bound challenges liable to thwart the implementation of this important skill. The paper connects the dots around listening in the EFL context. The outcome of this review paper indicates that listening goes uncatered for in the Moroccan EFL settings. The fact of overlooking this skill is motivated by subjective and objective opinions.


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listening skill, language learning, foreign language teaching, neglect of listening skill

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejfl.v7i2.4994


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