Ravnil Narayan, Prashneel Goundar


Acquiring vocabulary represents one of the highly pivotal skills that is required for teaching and learning a second or foreign language from early childhood days. It forms a basis towards the development of all other necessary skills such as writing, reading, listening, pronunciation, and spelling. More imperatively, words development is a crucial tool for learners during the early childhood age in their quest to use the English language effectively. Because of its function, vocabulary development tends to harness other aspects which include cognitive, social, and literacy development. It is posited that parents should always pay closer attention to these developments, as it forms the rudiments for language learning processes. Of all, spoken communication is the most effective form of communication as it contributes towards words development to a sustainable level. Hence, this paper will delve into pertinent literature that is associated with words development in early childhood, and how it enhances all other associated facets that are related to it.


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words development, vocabulary acquisition, ELT classrooms, child

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejfl.v8i1.5181


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