Vi Tuong Thi Hua


Reading comprehension is considered one of the four most important and essential skills for learning a language. Writing summaries is one type of task that helps students read successfully. Therefore, the study aimed to find out the situation of reading comprehension and summary writing skills of 90 second-year EFL students at a university in Mekong Delta, Vietnam, and propose some summarization strategies that students can apply to improve their reading comprehension and summary writing performances. In this paper, the questionnaire was used to design 4 points (excellent, good, average, poor) to exploit students’ proficiency in reading and summary writing and (never, sometimes, often, always) to collect data on students' awareness about the importance as well as difficulties in reading and writing summary. The survey results showed that students' proficiency in reading and writing summaries is poor. Additionally, the majority of students are aware of the importance of reading and writing summary; however, they do not have the experience and background knowledge of reading and writing summary; accordingly, teachers had better recommend some summarization strategies to their students.


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EFL student, reading comprehension, summary writing, real situation, summarization strategy

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