Farzane Safarzade Samani, Seyyed Morteza Hashemi, Vahide Shahbazi, Hamed Sarhadi


The demand for learning English in Iran as an EFL context is high. So, running a language institute slowly is changing into a highly profitable and competitive market in recent years. In order to survive and to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage, higher institutions’ principals can employ marketing mix element (7Ps) in order to satisfy customer needs and influence demand for the services. Current study sought two purposes: applying of 7Ps to learners’ choice model of language institutions and investigating the relationship between marketing mix and students’ decision making for selecting language institutions. The data was collected quantitatively by a questionnaire drafted in Persian. Subjects were a total of 120 males and females English learners aged from 18 to 35. They were chosen randomly from two language institutions located in Shahrekord and Chabahar, Iran. The findings of the study revealed people element as the first important element (mean=17.8) followed by program (mean=17.3) and the least important element was price element (mean=8.9). Regarding the relationship of 7Ps and learners’ choice of language institution, significance level of 0.596 (p > 0.05) showed that there are no significant correlations 7Ps and Iranian EFL Learners’ Choice of Language Institution.


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marketing mix elements, programme, language institutions, Likert scale, survey study


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