Achmad Yani Bin Imam Subari, Siti Sara Binti Haji Ahmad, Rafidah Binti Abdullah, Hambali Bin Haji Jaili, Rafizah Binti Abdullah, Nur Basirah Binti Haji Rosmin


The objective of this research is to assess the effectiveness of teaching aids in teaching Arabic and communicative skills at the Faculty of Sharia at the Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University in Brunei Darussalam. The researchers distributed the questionnaire to the first-year students of the Faculty of Sharia at the Sultan Al-Sharif Ali Islamic University who studied the communicative Arab material in 2024; 22 of them (the number of all first-year students of the Faculty of Sharia at the Islamic University who studied the communicative Arab material in 2024 is 35, and this sample is 63% of the total number of them). This research found that the positive aspects of teaching methods of the Arabic-communicative language at the Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University are reflected in its diverse availability (78.2%), its availability (77.3%), its availability (72.7%), its availability to teaching the Arabic-communicative language at the Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University, its availability (77.3%), its availability (77.3%), its availability to teach the Arabic-communicative language at the Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University, its availability (72.7%), its availability to teach the Arabic-communicative language at the Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University, and its use (17%) of the Arabic-language Projector, 19% of the Islamic University of the Sultan of Al-Salafi Sultan The recorder is available for recording student voices when they are trained in the oral dialogue to teach the communicative Arabic at Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University (71.8%). The downside is that the various educational means for teaching communicative Arabic at Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University (21.8%) are not available, that there is no audio-visual educational means (22.7%), that there is no audio-visual educational means (22.7%), that there is no electronic educational means (27.3%), that the projector (20.9%) is not available, and that there is no use of the recorder to record students' voices on the oral dialog (28%).


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media, education, language, Arabic, communication

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejfl.v8i2.5526


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