Syafrizal S., Astridyah Ratna Sari


This study is intended to find out (1) why do the students use code mixing in their communication at twitter status (2) what factors influence the students in using code mixing in twitter status (3) what types of code mixing that students produce in their status. The technique used is qualitative research through content analysis. The data were gathered by doing observation, documentation, and interview. Researchers focused on code mixing used by students at Eighth Semester of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University. To analyze data, the researchers used matrix descriptive of Miles and Huberman consisted of data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusion/verification. Data reduction was used to collect data from observation, documentation, and interview. Last, conclusion was used to describe all of the data. The result of this research was form of code mixing used by the students, including insertation, alternation, congruent lexicalization. Then, the factors cause code mixing due to the psychological factors from the students.


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code mixing, insertion, alternation, congruent lexicalization, matrix descriptive


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