Abobo Francis


The MoEST (2006) introduced the integration of computer aided instruction into teaching of Kiswahili reading comprehension so as to enhance the following language aspects: read fluently and comprehend the passage, and increase performance on Kiswahili reading comprehension. However, this has not been realized as evidenced by students’ low performance on Kiswahili reading comprehension CATs over years among Sub-County secondary schools in Nakuru County, Kenya The objective of the Paper was to determine the differences between students taught Kiswahili reading comprehension using CAI and those students taught the same content using TTMs on Kiswahili reading comprehension. This Paper employed a causal-comparative design. A sample of 839 participants was drawn from a target population of 13290 subjects. Stratified, purposive and simple random sampling methods were used to select the study sample. Questionnaires, Interview Schedules and Document Analysis Guide were used to collect quantitative and qualitative data. Piloting was done in three schools to determine the validity and reliability of the instruments in two weeks before the commencement of the actual study, whereby the study confirmed that the instruments were valid and reliable; the reliability of teachers’ and students’ each was computed separately using Cronbach’s Alpha Formula. Teachers’ alpha coefficient yielded alpha of 0.77 and students’ alpha coefficient yielded an alpha of 0.79 which were considered reliable for the study. Mean and standard deviations were used to analyze quantitative data while independent T-tests were used to test the hypothesis so as to find out the differences between the two means on performance on Kiswahili reading comprehension between the two groups. Quantitative data was presented and interpreted in frequency table distributions, bar graphs and pie-charts while Qualitative data was summarized into similarities and differences and analyzed in themes and text. The findings of the study established that computer aided instructions improve performance on Kiswahili reading comprehension. The t-test findings also indicated that there was a significant statistical differences in favour of the CAI group students it was concluded that the use of CAI in teaching Kiswahili language enhances performance on Kiswahili reading comprehension.


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computer instruction education, performance, Kiswahili reading comprehension, among secondary schools, Nakuru County, Kenya


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