Lincolyn Moyo, Lillie Beth Hadebe


All human developmental requirements are cultivated by an effective education system, adapting and embracing technological invention and advancement. Education and teachers are cornerstones to all human development. This research seek to find out, the role teacher education (TE) can play in promoting and cultivating a culture of technology designing, invention, digital utilisation as a necessity for African socio-economic transformation. However, not possible without an inclusive science oriented education system embracing contemporary techno-digital teaching-learning approaches. Also, seek to examine possible suggestions on how TE curriculum can improve grooming digitalised products, historically not achieved and in some cases still not achieved. Literature reviewed indicated effective TE as one of the most crucial basics for cultivating digital inclusivity, a techno-oriented education culture, yet current TE in most African countries has been criticised for not producing innovative, competent teachers with adequately relevant techno-digital skills to inculcate students’ 21st century and future science diverse needs. Data analysis indicated that TE face challenges in embracing techno-digital teaching approaches remaining traditional, focusing on chalk-talk-approaches and setting an incorrect precedent. The qualitative ‘analytical model of constant comparison’ was used in gathering and analysing data. The major conclusion to this research was based on the argument that, if TE institutes include techno-digital courses its product are likely to pursue, follow and cultivate a sustainable scientific culture in schools for both immediate and future ends. The research recommended introduction of sciences for all, at all learning levels, inclusion of compulsory technology, media and design innovative pedagogies course in TE.


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teacher education; trajectory; inclusivity; digital classroom

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