Katerina Nikolakopoulou, Gerasimos Koustourakis, Vassilis Komis, Konstantinos Ravanis


The views on the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education move towards various approaches regarding the aims and/or the nature of computerization that could be adopted in the Greek curricula, during the period 1984-2006, in which the most important curricular reforms related to this integration were completed. By employing the methodological tool of Aviram & Tami, this research carries out a quantitative and qualitative analysis of texts published in the Greek scientific Journal “Contemporary Education” and studies the discourse formulated about the integration of ICT in Greek Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education. This analysis attempts to distinguish and “map” the different approaches expressed by the articles' authors on this integration. The research results revealed a strong tendency of Greek STEM education to attach primarily didactic and administrative approaches to ICT integration leading to micro level changes. It is quite interesting that – during the time period of this study - none of authors' approaches were adopted a systemic view, in the direction of extensive changes in the Greek educational system, in order to facilitate the integration of ICT in STEM education.


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ICT in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics education, discourse, approaches in ICT

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