Ziad Hamdan


Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are accelerating developments and making high impacts on every aspect of human life including education. However, education systems and institutions as keys to rearing generations and being the strategic tools for building professionals, pioneers, and civic society are still far behind comparable to other national services in incorporating ICTs and achieving priority goals or producing new methodologies and education reforms. As such, a paradoxical context has been created: abundant availability of ICTs versus a lack of integration and reforms in education. Hence, the major goals of this paper are presenting a prudent "ICTs integration plan (IIP) and exploring the feasibility of possible education reforms. The plan explains counteracting solutions coupled with sixteen presage factors and tasks that should be maintained for integration and closing the gaps between observed ICTs' abundance and the degrees of its utilization in innovating learning, instruction, management and boosting renewal projects in schooling. Applying the IIP in schools and colleges would lead to negating local massive learning and instruction for the sake of differentiated student centered initiatives open to transnational and global alternatives.


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differentiated student centered initiatives; school society; ICTs info violation of human privacy; ICTs integration; liberating local massive learning; open to transnational and global alternatives

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejoe.v0i0.2137


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