In the study, the mathematics activities prepared by taking expert opinions within the framework of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME), which contains real life examples, focuses on angles, and requires to do design or research, have been applied to the students. The study was conducted in a secondary school in Istanbul in the academic year of 2017-2018 and proceeded for a total of 8 weeks. The target group of the study consisted of 60 7th grade students. The research is designed as an intervention research which is one of the qualitative research methods. In this study, the activities prepared within the RME framework were conducted for 8 weeks using the electronic portfolio which is one of the alternative assessment and evaluation methods in the experimental group and the activity worksheets in the other group. Students’ answers were evaluated according to the specific criteria formed by taking expert opinion and subjected to qualitative analysis. Although it is seen that e-portfolio has positive effects on students’ ability to do a research, to model and to design creative products, it has been found that it did not contribute to their mathematical literacy and to their expressing their mathematical ideas clearly in the expected level.
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