K. G. W. K. Katukurunda, Mohd Shukri Ab. Yajid, Ali Khatibi, S. M. Ferdous Azam


In the competitive education setting, with declining students’ enrolment into the programme of study, the policy makers, curriculum developers and other relevant personnel should pay much attention to address the issue of attracting secondary students into job market demanded programmes. The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship between perceived programme quality and the students’ satisfaction in selected government schools in Sri Lanka. The present study applied quantitative design using 410 senior secondary students who studied Biosystems Technology. The conceptual framework has been formulated based on the comprehensive review of the past studies. Multiple regression analysis was used to test the relationships among the dimensions of programme quality and students’ satisfaction as hypothesized. The finding indicated that the dimensions of programme quality have been correlated significantly with secondary students’ satisfaction whilst there was a positive and significant relationship amongst the four dimensions of programme quality and students’ satisfaction towards Biosystems Technology programme. Thus, the finding of current study has provided significant contribution to the existing body of knowledge in terms of offering statistically established conceptual framework and a validated measuring scale in satisfaction to the general education system. Furthermore, the implications were provided for the policy makers and relevant personnel to make remedial measures in order to quality improvement of Biosystems Technology programme.


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biosystems technology, perceived quality of programme and its dimensions, senior secondary students, students’ satisfaction, general education system

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