Dionysios Gouvias, Chryssi Vitsilakis, Apostolos Kostas


One of the basic measures to increase the overall participation of adults in Lifelong Learning (LLL) is removing barriers to participation. In this paper, we will focus on the case of Greece, through an examination of a series of LLL courses offered by a Greek university through e-learning methods. We will examine the theoretical underpinnings that supported this introduction, and then we will present data regarding: i) the participants’ characteristics; ii) the main factors that led them to participate; iii) their evaluation of the courses. Our findings show that e-learning is a new reality for Greece, which needs to be investigated on many levels, with diverse factors being taken into consideration: from wider socio-economic structures, to organizational settings at middle and local level; from national-level legal frameworks to individual characteristics.


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lifelong learning; e-learning; online distance learning; adult education; Greece

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejoe.v0i0.2251


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