Hila Seda Yildiz, Irfan Sural


The 21st century is perhaps the most promising period for individuals to develop their social, cultural and professional skills. With the developments in information and communication technologies, learning activities have become a part of daily life. Today, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are the courses offered by both universities and independent providers. Within the scope of this research, AKADEMA MOOC initiative, which was developed and presented by Anadolu University, one of the mega universities in the world, was introduced. In addition, various statistical data covering the first two periods in which the lessons were provided to the learners were shared in descriptive dimensions and detailed information was given about the learner profiles.


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MOOCs, AKADEMA, open courses

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejoe.v0i0.2547


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