Kyvete Shatri


Impacts of globalization on the engineering profession create a challenge in understanding what it means to be an engineer in the global economy of the 21st century and how should be prepared the future engineers. Engineering education today faced with request for preparation of the engineers with the necessary skills to cope with and benefit from the great changes that globalization brings. In this context, to understand how and how well we need to prepare the future engineers should be known the new capabilities that businesses and industry require from engineers. Fulfilment of all the requirements of a global economy and coping of challenges from the Institutions of Engineering Education directly requires the integration of competency based on new technology in curricula of programs they offer. So in this context, this paper it aims to identify the IT skills required by the market and to identify the quality of delivery of those skills from the Institutions of engineering education. To achieve this purpose were conducted interviews with directors/ managers of companies and teacher from institutions of engineering education. Outcomes of this research show that there is somehow a line between what is on offer in Institutions of Engineering Education and market demand for graduates in these institutions. But it remains that engineering education must increase performance of students in IT.


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engineering education, market demands, IT, programming languages, design, modelling, data basses


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