The integration of knowledge during the online classes influences the module tutors in the integration of technology in teaching with professional knowledge and belief which is focused on the learning enhancement of students. The study aims to identify issues in the online classes and to integrate knowledge in their learning enhancement. The research design employs both quantitative and qualitative research design because it is appropriate to investigate the integration knowledge of the online classes of students in their learning enhancement. It is suitable research choice in effective perform scientific research based on the characteristics and objectives available in support of the design in the study. Purposive sampling is utilised in the study because it is non-probable, which is subjective, selective, and judgmental. It is focused on the techniques utilise by the researchers. It assesses the impact of the study that deals on the attitude and behavior of students in the integration of knowledge during the online classes and learning enhancement. The subjects of the study are the selected private Higher Education Institution (HEI) students who are registered through online classes. The study comprised thirty (38) students. It is conducted for the spring 2019-2020.Results show that most of the issues in the integration of knowledge through online classes in the learning enhancement of students are the internet connection and internet devices which are weak that can affect the learning process because of the many Wi-Fi users which lead to weak network connection, issues in online classes have to do with technology and program of virtual learning particularly on Wi-Fi connection that can affect the students learning process, and destruction of learning of the respondents struggle in the adoption of the traditional classroom to online learning setting which is difficult for them adjust. Audio or voice destruction hinders them in their learning process, integration of knowledge has to do with the lack of clarity of voice, choppy, and sometimes cannot be heard, and learning enhancement has to do with the time schedule of the online which clashes with household chores like cooking, cleaning, and washing.
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