K. Kustyarini, Sri Utami, Endang Koesmijati


The Covid-19 pandemic has left the people down to earth. Such conditions are not immediately forgotten and are avoided from the construction of thoughts in the world of education today. Learning from/at Home (BDR) is the latest solution to keep the spread of COVID-19 from becoming more widespread and avoiding the disease. In the era of a new civilization in our world of education, it is very necessary to package a new learning model. Meanwhile, learning Indonesian in the 2013 curriculum uses a text-based approach. This text-based learning trains individuals to solve the problems they face and think critically according to what is in real life. The development model used in this study is the APPED Model. This model can be used as a reference in R&D (Research and Development) research. The main objective of this research is the importance of the process of developing interactive multimedia models for learning media in new civilizations. The discussion of this research is the steps and process of using interactive multimedia with the right use as a massage medium that will stimulate thinking, thereby encouraging the process of student learning to be more concrete. The stages of implementing interactive multimedia in learning are Introduction (Program Introduction) including Title Page, Learning Prompt or guide, Presentation Objectivity, Instructions, Knowledge Priority Stimulation (apperception in the form of knowledge stimulation), Initial Control; Presentation of Information includes presentation mode or presentation mode, length of presentation text, graphics and animation, color and usage; Question of Response (Question and responses) and Judging of Response (Assessment of responses). So interactive multimedia learning is important to be applied to the new civilization era by utilizing technology.

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importance, interactive learning, media, new civilization era

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