Flora Amiti


Due to Covid - 19 pandemic, many changes have occurred in education. There were several decisions made from the government, on how students should be taught online; there were two ways of teaching students, asynchronous and synchronous online teaching. The students were obliged to learn from home, so it has been important to know they’re feedback on e-learning. By the research studies where student are participants, it is received a lot of feedback from their experience. Instead the teachers, depending on their ideas and planning on what’s best for students, decided how to teach students from home and assess them too. Furthermore, in this article a number of research papers were reviewed, in order to compare both synchronous and asynchronous e-learning and which one is more beneficial for the students at home. From all the research methods, the ones taken into consideration from the studies were questionnaires, pre- tests, post-tests and surveys. Hence, approximately 50 articles were reviewed, and depending on their content and the correlations with the topic of this review, only 20 studies were chosen that were related to the topic generally. The overall study results show that even though there could be a preference for both e-learning methods, both synchronous and asynchronous e-learning methods if combined right, it could help teachers and learners have a successful course and results.

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synchronous, asynchronous, e-learning, assessment, literature review / sinkron, asinkron, e-mësim, vlerësim, rishikim i literaturës

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