Nelson E. Lucero


Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) of instruction had become an option of schools, parents, and learners to access education. Despite its implementation for several years, research on its delivery and students’ academic performance was not endeavored. Hence, this study was conducted to determine the relationship of Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) program and performance of the students. The respondents of the study were 30 students from nine elementary schools in the Division of Digos, Davao del Sur. Results showed that most of the respondents enrolled in the Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) were male, at age 11, and were laborers. Most of them were low performers. The respondents rated the Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) implementation as moderate. It further revealed that there was no significant difference in the level of implementation of Alternative Delivery Mode in terms of gender and age but it showed significant relationship between the level of implementation of the program and the performance of the students. Intensification of Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) was recommended.

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Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM), performance of students, Arcaflor Maniapao elementary school

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