Nader S. Shemy


The present study aims at measuring the effect of the interactive book design on the development of scientific concepts and its relation to the difference of the cognitive (verbal/ conceptual) method of science students in the ninth grade. This study is to determine the relationship between the growth of scientific concepts among students with the cognitive and verbal approach. There are differences in this growth according to the cognitive method. This study's significance is the importance of considering students' characteristics in their cognitive approaches in applying and integrating technology in education. The study results indicate that there are statistically significant differences in the development of scientific concepts among students. The differences in their cognitive methods were verbal or conceptual. The conceptual students were more developed than the verbal students. The results also indicate that the e-book has a significant impact on developing these concepts among students with a cognitive approach compared to their cognitive peers. This is because the interactive e-book did not consider the verbal students' characteristics as much as they perceived the design's visual students' characteristics. It is recommended to research the need to pay attention to the variable method of knowledge when designing interactive e-books to be more valuable to cover a larger segment of students with different cognitive methods. It is necessary to identify the cognitive techniques of students to take care of educational applications. That will help them according to their strategies to expand the recruitment of interactive electronic books in science and conduct More rigorous studies in cognitive methods and link them to modern technological innovations.

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interactive e-book, cognitive style (verbal/ visual), e-content, e-learning

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