Rose Chikopela, Daniel Ndhlovu, Joseph M. Mandyata, Daniel L. Mpolomoka, Sophie Kasonde-Ng’andu


Technology is highly valued in modern day teaching and learning especially when it comes to imparting knowledge to students with disabilities. This paper presents the findings of a study that sought to establish the emerging and digital technologies being used to enhance the teaching and learning of ODL students with disabilities at Nkhruma University. The study used a case study design. The population comprised all students with visual and hearing impairment under ODL and their lecturers. A total sample of fifty-five (55) participants was employed and snowball sampling technique was utilized. The instruments used for data collection were interview guides and observation schedules. Data was analyzed thematically. The findings revealed that emerging technologies such as the use of information and communication technology were used by both students with visual and hearing impairment to learn effectively and lecturers to teach effectively. It was also revealed that digital technologies such as computers, cell phones, and Ipads were used during the lectures for effective teaching, easy access to materials and information. It was further revealed that some students with disabilities and lecturers were not well oriented on the use of modern ICT tools. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended that the institution conducts technology-biased capacity building workshops for all ODL lecturers.


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digital technology, students with disabilities, learning, teaching, university

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejoe.v7i1.4119


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