Vera Gbaeprekumo Oweikpodor, Ebele Joyce Egwunyenga, Mary Adesola Onafowope


This study investigated the factors responsible for students’ lecture attendance habit and managements’ options for improvement in Colleges of Education in Delta State. Five research questions guided the study. A descriptive method of ex-post facto research design was adopted with a sample size of 345 lecturers in Colleges of Education in Delta State. A validated and reliable questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. Mean and standard deviation was used to answer the research questions while independent samples t-test was used to test the null hypothesis. The findings of the study revealed that the students displayed a positive attitude toward lecture attendance; male students resume lectures before female students but female students are more regular with lectures than their male counterparts; lecture attendance habits of students are attributed to completing assignments at the last minute, emergency travels, financial constraint, unconducive learning environment, availability of course outline on the textbook, student illness, students feel they can pass without attending classes and time fixed for class. The findings also revealed that most students show a negative attitude toward lectures because they believe they can borrow lecture notes from fellow students, buy a textbook, create a study group or engage in personal reading; and that positive lecture attendance habit of students can be enhanced if the mark is awarded for attending lectures, making the learning environment more conducive and making students understand the need to attend lectures. The study recommended that school management should develop a policy for awarding marks to students who attend lectures, this will encourage those students who have a negative attitude to lectures.


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lecture attendance habit; students; colleges of education; lectures; habits

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejoe.v7i2.4286


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