Stanley Appiah Essuman, Denis Redeemer Korda, Prince Kwapong Essigyan, Sabina Asieduwaa Febiri, Dacosta Aboagye


ICT (Information and Communication Technology) is an important part of the teaching and learning process. This study investigates the usage of ICT tools in teaching Mathematics and the problems associated with the use of using these tools to teach. The study also sought to find out the relationship between the gender of teachers and their usage of ICT tools. A simple random sampling was used to sample the respondents for the study. The study’s findings revealed Mathematics teachers in the basic schools do not integrate ICT tools during teaching and learning. However, lack of computers, inadequate training and lack of access to the internet was also revealed to be some of the key barriers to the successful integration of ICT tools in the teaching and learning of mathematics. Findings from the study further revealed that male teachers integrate ICT tools in their teaching more than their female colleagues. It is recommended that the study should be conducted in other regions in Ghana or the senior high schools and the results be compared with our research. Also, workshops should be organized for teachers to teach and encourage them to integrate ICT effectively during their teaching and learning.


information communication technology, developmentally appropriate practices, ICT tools

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