Boniface Yaayin, Emmanuel K. Oppong, Ruby Hanson


This study aimed at enhancing pre-service teachers’ understanding and attitudes toward naming and reactions of organic compounds using the jigsaw approach. It was a descriptive study that used a quantitative approach in collecting the data for analysis. The research design was a quasi-experimental one, which adapted the non-randomised control group pre-test/post-test intact class design. A sample of 144 pre-service teachers, comprising 72 in the experimental group and 72 in the control group were engaged in the study. Intact classes were used for the study; thus, the sample selection was non-randomised. ‘Organic Chemistry Concept Understanding Test’ (OCCUT) in the form of a pre-test and a post-test as well as an ‘Organic Chemistry Attitude Scale’ (OCAS) were the instruments used for the study. The reliability indices of the pre-test and the post-test were 0.721 and 0.724 respectively, whereas, Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient of the ‘OCAS’ was 0.899. This study found that in terms of the pre-service teachers’ prior knowledge on naming and reactions of organic compounds, the experimental group and the control group both had more misunderstanding and partial understanding than a sound understanding of the concepts. The findings further revealed that the majority of the pre-service teachers in the experimental group had a sound understanding of the naming and reactions of organic compounds after they were taught through the jigsaw approach. Nevertheless, quite a large number of the pre-service teachers in the control group continue to show a misunderstanding of the concepts after they were taught through the traditional lecture-method. Again, the study found that the jigsaw approach enhanced the pre-service teachers’ attitudes toward the organic chemistry concepts than the traditional lecture-method.


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misunderstanding, sound understanding, concepts, attitudes

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejoe.v7i2.4442


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