Romeo, Jr. V. Bordios, Althea May S. Avelino, Ivy Joy M. Calamba, Mae Ann T. Goniabo, Angelyn P. Santillan, Presha Lei M. Villasoto, Ivy N. Macagba


This research aimed to investigate the level of stress and coping mechanisms of the College of Education (CED) students at Notre Dame of Midsayap College (NDMC) in online distance learning. This study also aimed to determine if there is a significant difference in the level of stress of the respondents when grouped according to sex and age. A descriptive research design was undertaken to assess the respondents' level of stress and coping mechanisms. The data were subjected to appropriate statistical tools utilized in the study such as frequency count, percentage distribution, weighted mean, and one-way ANOVA.  Based on the major findings of the study, it can be concluded that students experience stress during their online distance learning brought upon by the COVID-19 pandemic. Bad internet connection, financial problems, disturbances in academic life, improper learning environment, tiredness, and irritation in performing their schoolwork are the significant causes of the stress of the students in dealing with their online distance learning. It was also found that they have different coping mechanisms in dealing with stress in their online distance learning. Such coping mechanisms were praying or meditating, creating a conducive learning environment, thinking positively, and playing online games. It was determined that male respondents experienced more stress in online distance learning than female respondents. It was also noted that younger respondents experience more stress than older respondents.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejoe.v7i2.4451


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