Bakri Awaji


This study adopted a qualitative approach to determine the views of grade eight students concerning mathematics learning with GeoGebra software (GGS). In total, 37 grade eight students (11–14 years old) from two classes participated in the study and 14 students volunteered to participate in focus groups (7 from each class). The data from the two focus groups were analysed using thematic analysis. The results of this study that emerged from the two focus group sessions comprised three main themes: improvements in students’ understanding, the amount of time and effort saved, and student engagement. The students believed that GGS enhanced their understanding of mathematics and improved their learning and visualisation. In addition, they found that using GGS required less writing and drawing shapes using the app made learning easier and took less effort. In addition, the students reported that GGS improved their enjoyment in class, fostering a positive attitude toward mathematics and offering them exciting lessons and the ability to create geometric shapes independently.


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GGS; mathematics learning; using technology

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