Nguyen The Luong, Vo Thi Phuong Linh


The article evaluates the efficacy of M-learning in instructing the Badminton course for K14 university students at the University of Sports and Physical Education in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Utilizing an experimental design, it contrasts the outcomes of two groups: the K13 students who were taught through conventional face-to-face methods and the K14 students who engaged in blended learning. Both groups were exposed to identical content and assessment procedures. The findings indicate that students in the blended learning approach outperformed their peers in the traditional setting. The study also delves into resource utilization and collects feedback from learners, underscoring the advantages of M-learning in Badminton instruction.


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blended learning, LCMS, M-learning badminton, physical education

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejoe.v8i3.5026


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