Vassiliki Koutzeklidou, Nektaria (Nora) Sakkoula, Antonis Lionarakis


The adoption and implementation of distance education in the prison school context implies new roles for teachers, formal and non-formal learners and educational materials, while enhancing openness as an integral feature of a distance education environment. This study – through a participatory action research – seeks to explore how teachers have applied e-inclusion to enable inclusive online teaching/learning strategies, emphasizing the interaction of digital tool learners and teachers. Needs emerged that helped to clearly show the necessity of face-to-face teaching but also the existence of complementary distance education to prevent the digital divide from increasing the difficulties of students with special educational needs, in relation to the possibilities of distance education in prison schools. The investigation of the educational needs of institutionalised adults from their own perspective was defined as the basis for the creation of appropriate and effective educational material. The novelty of the material lies in the fact that it presents information in a way of active involvement of the trainees in the learning process. In the design of the multimodal educational material, the purpose and expected results were used, so that the trainee could evaluate their progress on their own. Our aim was for learners to be able to improve their knowledge across the whole range of teaching contents by developing cognitive and social skills.


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education of institutionalised adults, Open and Distance Education, educational materials, educational applications

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