Georgia Spiliopoulou, Gerasimos Koustourakis


This work aims, through an approach to recent scientific literature, to highlight the effect of the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in today’s educational field. From the analysis of the content of the relevant scientific literature, it appears that AI can help teachers in designing appropriate learning programs focusing on the needs of their students at an individual and collective level. In this case, using AI, a variety of learning activities can be created by the teachers with the aim of creating a supportive learning environment for the students, which will help them to better understand, as well as deepen, the material of the various knowledge areas of the curriculum. The integration of AI in both live and distance education can offer significant benefits, such as the transformation of the traditional teaching methods applied, such as the lecture, with the aim of enhancing the learning experience. Furthermore, from the content of scientific studies, both the creation of social inequalities and the emergence of an ethical concern regarding the educational use of AI, which is linked to the violation of the privacy and personal data of the people who use it in the context of their learning effort, emerge. However, the future of education seems to be linked to the necessity of reshaping the educational content through a broad and multi-level utilization of AI in it. And this is in order to shape the conditions for "meeting" the individual learning needs of the students.


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Artificial Intelligence, education, advantages, concerns, perspectives

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejoe.v9i1.5653


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