Lakshmipriya Malla


The present study aimed to assess the education, health and waste management practices of Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS-A home for 25,000 disadvantaged groups of children)) at present for tribal students of whole world. Specifically, it determined the level of effectiveness of education and skill, health awareness and Waste Management Practices of tribal students in terms of: inculcation of skills, practice of healthy life and collection strategies, disposal and recovery and processing of waste materials within the campus by the most vulnerable group of students of our country. In the same time here highlighted the institution invented unique model of providing education and skill, health awareness and waste management to the tribal students of globe. This research utilized descriptive survey method of research.  To prove the above objectives three research questions were established and focus of the questions ware to examine different vocational trade practices and its significance in the present day context to achieve MDGs and how far making them self-reliance after education. Also make an attempt to highlight the health and waste management practices of the institution are the key thrust of the questions. The qualitative methodology (Interviews, documents analysis and observation) are used. Findings show that it is one of the best international models of practice to achieve MDGs. Like:  Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, Achieving universal primary education, Improving mental health and Combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases. It is also found that, it is helping the students for making them self-reliant after completion of their education and meet the basic requirements and improved their economic condition, health practices and reuse techniques of local waste materials which will definitely leads to achieve MDGs. The researchers also concluded that waste management practices of KISS is effective in terms of collection, disposable, recovery and processing as perceived by the respondents.


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education, health, waste management, KISS, tribal’s, unique model and MDGs


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