Nsikan John Efiok, Peter Micheal Rawlings


This paper undertakes a review of extant literature to examine the outlets in which operations management tools and techniques have been applied for improved healthcare delivery. Just as operations management has found usefulness in many other industrial sectors, this report shows that healthcare has also recorded significant advances as the principles of operations management are continually being utilised. This is evident in areas such as the management and planning of medical capacity like bed space; management of medical inventory, equipment scheduling and assignment of doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel to patience. Moreover, operations management tools have been pivotal in making improvements in such areas as medical logistics, drugs and vaccine distribution, and the management of the health supply chain. The healthcare industry has also seen a couple of successes in implementing sustainable operations management in some aspects of healthcare logistics, ethical healthcare services, and responsible healthcare delivery. However, the major challenges in applying sustainability initiatives in healthcare relate to the disposal of medical wastes, effective application of six-sigma for process improvement, and managing long waiting lines experienced in most developing nations' hospital facilities.


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healthcare operations management; operations management tools and techniques; healthcare logistics and supply chains, sustainable healthcare operations management

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