Michael Etim


This work deals with the question of values and health care, with specific attention to the bioethical challenges within the Nigerian context. The examination of the word “value” in its etymological origins, indicates that the English word “value” has its roots in the Latin word “valere” which translates closely into the expression “worth.” The same Latin root “valere” is at the origins of the English word “valor” which signifies strength and vigour, as expressions of positive energy, dynamism and vitality. From a different perspective, a further examination, from the point of view of the Greeks, indicates that the Greek word for “worth” is “αξια” “axia” from which is derived the word “axiology” which points towards the systematic study of value. This work pays attention to the question of “value”, especially in relation to the question of health and health care. It examines the question of value from a variety of perspectives, towards achieving greater insight and appreciation of the complexities involved with regard to the analysis of value. The work also examines the question of health and the healthcare system. In the light of the complex nature of the question of values and health care, this work adopts the interdisciplinary methodology as a preferential methodological option, in dealing with multifaceted issues in bioethical research. The research, as part of its conclusion, affirms that there are serious health care challenges within the Nigerian context. The work also affirms that the promotion of values especially within the context of health care, most significantly the values of freedom, responsibility, beneficence, truth, knowledge, peace, security, justice and cooperation would contribute greatly towards the enhancement of the good of human persons, human wellbeing and human flourishing.


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value, health care, freedom, responsibility, beneficence, truth, justice

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