Background: This study examines the relationship between ageing, standing blood pressure, and mental health in 770 adults from Ndola City, Zambia, focusing on orthostatic hypotension (OH). OH, characterized by a significant drop in blood pressure upon standing, is particularly prevalent among older adults and is associated with mental health disorders such as depression and stress. Methods: Using a cross-sectional design, participants were categorized by age, and standard blood pressure measurements were taken to assess OH. Mental health was evaluated using the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS21) and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ12). Statistical analyses, including Pearson chi-square tests, were employed to explore associations between age groups, the prevalence of OH, and mental health conditions. Results: Results indicated no significant association between age and the occurrence of OH (Pearson chi2(4) = 7.5702, Pr = 0.109). However, a significant relationship was found between age and depression (Pearson chi2(8) = 23.4265, Pr = 0.003), suggesting that older age correlates with higher depression levels. In contrast, anxiety did not show a significant association with age (Pearson chi2(4) = 4.5814, Pr = 0.333). Stress levels were significantly associated with age (Pearson chi2(8) = 37.1247, Pr = 0.000), as were distress levels (Pearson chi2(4) = 9.9089, Pr = 0.042). Conclusion: While age does not significantly impact the occurrence of OH, it is correlated with increased levels of depression and stress among older adults, highlighting the need for mental health interventions in this population.
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