Healthy Life Movement or Germas is a government program to increase life quality. It is a systematic planned action simultaneously done by all components of this state with their own awareness and willingness as well as ability to live healthily to increase life quality. The objective of this study is to explore the implementation of healthy life movement in senior citizens with degenerative diseases descriptively. The population of this study is 191 people and the samples are taken using purposive sampling. There are 108 samples in this study; those are the senior citizens who participated in the implementation of healthy life movement and those with degenerative diseases. The result of this study shows that implementation of implementation of healthy life. The movement in Luwoo Village of Telaga Jaya Sub-district in Gorontalo Regency is through encouraging the senior citizens are urged to do exercises. It shows that 81.5% of the senior citizens conduct physical activities, and 97.2% of them consumed fruit and vegetables, and 96.3% conduct routine medical check up. In addition, large proportion of these senior citizens also suffers from hypertension (54,6%). The conclusion of this observational study is that Implementation of healthy life movement in Luwoo Village of Telaga Jaya sub-district has been properly implemented.
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