This research aims to know how the quality of health services in Pekauman Puskesmas and Karang Mekar Puskesmas, if there are any problems faced in the implementation of health services in both Puskesmas by using qualitative descriptive research methods. The framework of the idea in this study is to compare health services in Pekauman Puskesmas and Puskesmas of Karang Mekar which is measured by five-dimensional SERVQUAL which developed Zeithaml, Parasuraman and Berry, the dimensions of physical display, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and attention. The results of the study showed that the health services held by Pekauman Puskesmas have been running quite well, some aspects that need to be improved are on the aspects of physical evidence, responsiveness and assurance to improve the quality of service given. While in the Puskesmas Karang Mekar that need to improve the quality is on the aspect of physical evidence, assurance and completeness of infrastructure. Conclusion of result shows that the quality service of Pekauman Puskesmas and Puskesmas Karang Mekar that measured with five-dimensional SERVQUAL has been implemented quite well, but there are some aspects that still continue to be improved quality Service to achieve maximum patient satisfaction.
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